35 Ways To Make Your Blog Post Go Viral

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35 Ways To Make Your Blog Post Go Viral

35 Ways To Make Your Blog Post Go Viral

A great blog can be a huge asset to you – it feels great to make and can bring attention to what you’re doing. if nobody sees your post it’s not useful to anybody besides you. There are tons of suggestions around the internet to drive traffic to your blog and most of them work to some extent. Most aren’t so effective.so let’s start to blog today and try yourself.

let list down some of the ways to get more viral post planning.

After you post to use these to get in as many brains as possible:

  1. Submit to Digg
  2. Submit to Reddit
  3. Submit to StumbleUpon
  4. Post on Forums in niche
  5. Submit to Yahoo Buzz
  6. Submit to Delicious
  7. Post to Twitter
  8. Post to Facebook
  9. Post to Myspace. Myspace is dead, long live Myspace.
  10. Post to Google +
  11. Post to YouTube (if applicable)
  12. Submit to Technorati
  13. Post to Pinterest (if applicable)
  14. Post to LinkedIn
  15. Provide SEO keywords for images
  16. Directory submissions
  17. RSS directory submits
  18. Forum comments
  19. Relevant blog comments
  20. Social bookmarking
  21. Refer to posts on Yahoo! Answers
  22. Refer to posts on LinkedIn
  23. Refer to posts on Quora
  24. Press releases
  25. Link to our own past AND future blog posts
  26. Add to your email signature
  27. Add  signature in forums
  28. Add to ur next newsletter
  29. Request other bloggers to mention your post

visit www.swifnix.com


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