Creative Minds Do Creative Things, UNBELIEVABLE THINGS, CREATIVITY

2 Min Read

Creative Minds Do Creative Things.


Curiosity is an integral part of living that keeps our brains healthy and our spirits boosted.

Ideas You Can Try Right Away:

Begin your own creativity.

  • Surprise somebody today.

Find Creative Things to Do by Being Curious

Inspiration can be found anywhere you care to look. I remember seeing the cover of a children’s dinosaur puzzle and thinking it would be a beautiful color scheme for a room! Inspiration can be found everywhere if you stretch to think of the creative things you see in a different context.

Finally, as you’re collecting all of these inspirational ideas – DON’T interrupt your inspiration by starting something you’re inspired to do!


Make Time To Find Creative Things to Do

It doesn’t take a lot of time each day, but you need to commit – even if it’s only a few minutes each day or every other day.

Intentionally Remove Barriers to Your Creativity

 Creative Things That Are So Tacky, We Want Them In Our Lives

Creative Things To Do With Your Downtime That Don’t Involve Technology



Explore creative things, which is unbelievable.


Do you often throw away unwanted items because they’ve exhausted their utility period? How about you hold on to those things and use them for something else?




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