Kareena Kapoor Khan

Kareena Kapoor Khan करीना कपूर खान (Kareena Kapoor Khan) ट्रेडिशन लुक में Kareena Kapoor Khan's pictures walking the ramp in Dubai are sure to take your breath away   करीना…

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New Hindi Movies in Bollywood 2018 में मचा देंगी धूम

New Hindi Movies in Bollywood 2018 में मचा देंगी धूम हवाओं में ठंडक के अहसास ने सर्दी के मौसम की आहट को तेज कर दिया है।  नया साल हो और…

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Most Surprising Bollywood Celeb’s Wedding Photographs 2019

Most Surprising Bollywood Celeb's Wedding Photographs 2019 We have seen various celebrities getting hitched this year and from wardrobe to makeup, venue to food, guest list, everything was so perfect…

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Eating Habits Can Affect Your Skin’s Protection Against Sun

Eating Habits Can Affect Your Skin's Protection Against Sun Sunbath, you may want to avoid raiding the fridge in the middle of the night before catching some rays as according…

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11 Leaf Art & Craft Ideas for Kids

Leaf art, kids will love to do this task in summer vacations. Stunning leaf craft. Lots of leaf art i am going to share with you all, hope you all…

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Benefit of Raddish मूली(Mooli) खाने से होने वाले जबरदस्त फायदे

Benefit of Raddish मूली(Mooli) खाने से होने वाले जबरदस्त फायदे आपने मूली (Raddish) एवं इसके गुणों के बारे में अवश्य सुना होगा। मूली विटामिन, फाइबर एवं एंथोसायानिन (vitamins, fiber and…

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