Hair Plugs Remove and Make Your Hair Grow super fast

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Hair Plugs Remove and Make Your Hair Grow super fast

One day I saw a bob hairstyle in a magazine and decided to go for it! So, I got rid of my long and shiny, at the time, locks and was happy with my new, easily manageable and cute bob hairstyle. But, as the time went by, I started to miss my long, gorgeous hair, just as it happens to most girls, who cut their long strands, carried away by the fleeting impulse of enthusiasm. So, I started to look for answers to the question that many ladies ask: ‘How to make your hair grow faster? so Hair Plugs Remove and Make Your Hair Grow super fast

Hair Plugs Remove and Make Your Hair Grow super fast

Take one tablespoon honey, two tablespoon castor oil, and one egg. Mix all the ingredients well to form a paste and then apply this mask on your hair. Leave on for about an hour, then shampoo and condition, as usual, to add softness and shine to your dull and dry hair.

3 Secret Ingredients That Make Your Hair Grow...Like Crazy

If you are in similar situation, or you just wonder what makes hair grow faster, let me share with you some tips.

  1. Using a Hair Mask mix in a small bowl –

    Mix in a small bowl – one yolk of an egg with a tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (or linen oil) and a tablespoon of Vodka (or Cognac). Massage this mixture into the roots of your hair and then, spread to the lengths; wait for about thirty minutes. For better results, you can put a shower cup on your head and cover it up with a towel, if you do this mask regularly, once a week or once every two weeks, during one month or two.

  2. Do you want to know how to make your hair grow faster? Eat protein!

    Protein provides a building material for your hair to grow quicker, look healthier and be stronger, as protein is the very stuff that hair is made from, so the more protein you eat, the more your hair can grow; so make sure to include eggs, nuts, fish, chicken, red meats, etc., into your balanced diet. Eat healthily and your hair will say: ‘Thank you!’

  3. Brush your hair every day for 1 or 2 minutes, do it every morning and every evening to stimulate circulation in your scalp

    Healthy blood circulation is essential for hair follicles to work efficiently and grow new healthy hair. Remember never to forcefully brush your hair when it’s wet because it can damage your locks and cause breakage. We don’t want it because we love our hair, right?! Instead, gently brush through your hair with a wide tooth comb or use a special detangling brush for a smooth and pain-free detangling.Hair Plugs Remove and Make Your Hair Grow super fast

  4. What you eat and drink matters.

    Better looking hair can start by what you eat and drink.  The cells that support strong hair depend on a balanced diet.  Superfoods for your hair: drink lots of water, eat plenty of lean protein, especially salmon (rich in omega-3 and vitamin D), walnuts (vitamin E), eggs (iron helps carry oxygen to hair follicles), and spinach (iron, beta carotene, and folate).  Honorable mentions: sweet potatoes, blueberries, and greek yogurt.

  5. Use a coconut oil treatment once a week.

    There’s a reason this HowDoesShe post has over 1 million views!  Coconut oil treatments are like heaven to your hair.  Read all about this hair-growth treatment and how it can seriously transform your hair.Hair Plugs Remove and Make Your Hair Grow super fast

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